Call for Proposals
USD 200.000
Counterpart Amount:
USD 598.736
Other agencies
Total Amount:
USD 798.736
Participating countries:
Costa Rica Costa Rica Honduras Honduras Nicaragua Nicaragua Panama Panama Spain Spain
Funding source:
FONTAGRO Amount 25% Other agencies 0% Counterpart Amount 75%

Executive Summary

The Mesoamerican region has been fundamental in the domestication and diversification of Theobroma cacao, constituting representing a prominent origin of fine flavor cocoa produced from Criollo and/or Trinitario varieties. YetHowever, fine flavor cocoa remains insignificant in the global cocoa world market, whereas despite its production is being crucial in the economy and culture of multiple indigenous, afro-Caribbean and mestizo communities, who subsist living mostly in isolated rural regions in Central America. NoteworthyFurthermore, fine flavor cocoa is the key ingredient in the making of bean-to-bar chocolates, which are the products of artisan small businesses around the world.

This project proposes aims to determine establish key territorial factors to of the differentiated quality profiles differentiating quality of origin of cocoas of origin, in order to develop towards the development of Geographical Indications. The project will facilitate the collective management of innovation, increasing added value, the protection of biocultural heritage and the promotion advancement of territories traditionally bound to cocoa production. Integral strategies will be developed for the identification ofidentifying extrinsic and intrinsic factors quality of cocoa bean qualitys. The sStudies will include historic-cultural aspects, typologies of production systems, agronomical and post-harvest practices, as well as quality profile analysis. Furthermore, the project will establish actions towards the generation offor creating key organizational capacities key forto the implementation and sustainability of GIs.

The technological solution

We propose the dynamization of territories and promotion of cocoa beans from regions of historical quality and prestige, through the articulation of multidisciplinary studies directed at protecting the biocultural heritage and the advancement of innovation. The development of techniques and determination of tangible aspects will be followed by actions towards the development of organizational capacities, imperative for GI implementation and sustainability. Efforts will be aimed at developing capacities for establishing the Control Boards (or Regulatory Council) of the intended protecting regions and to promote a Mesoamerican Control-Board network for the collaborative promotion of GIs, co-creation, innovation management, capacity building and experience exchange.


AImplementation of a territorial valorization appraisal strategy is being implemented aimiedng at developing technical studies and capacity buildingas well as to promote the development of capacities for implementing Geographical Indications towards for the development of Geographical Indications, in order to achieve the protection of differentiated fine flavor cocoa beans of Mesoamerican provenanceorigin. SThe studies will include analysis for determining the genomic diversity of cocoa plantations in the proposed territories. Next-generation sequencing will be applied for the identificationto identify of microbiological differentiating quality factors with relevance to quality. Chemometric analysis will be developed by implementing through a multivariate approach for the generation of generating Geographical discriminating models using algorithms based on Machine Learning principles. The rResults will facilitate the technical analysis as the models will enable methods for validation, traceability, and authentication. Actions are established towards the development of organizational capacities, which are imperative for the implementation and sustainability of GIs.


This project will be carried out with the participation of 8,158 farmers in Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama, focusing efforts on farming organizations and family agricultural systems dedicated to the production fine flavor cocoa beans. In Honduras, an impact on 18 organizations is projected, including 2,900 farmers. In Nicaragua, a direct impact on 17 organizations is projected, including 1,668 farmers. In Costa Rica, an impact on 20 organizations is projected, including 2,138 farmers. In Panama this project will coordinate efforts with a leading cooperative from Bocas del Toro Region, including 1,452 farmers.

The developed GIs will ultimately become intellectual property considered public domain, accessible by individual farmers in each territory through application to the corresponding GI regulatory council. This project will also benefit the 4 participant organizations by generating capacities for supporting the organizations associated with this project in the implementation and sustainability of the developed GIs. Finally, the development of a Mesoamerican platform of Regulatory Councils will serve as a reference model for similar efforts towards regional integration.

Sustainable Development Goals

No poverty Decent work and economic growth Reduced inequalities Sustainable cities and communities Responsible consumption and production Climate action Life on land Partnerships for the goals

Main donors

Participating Organizations

  • Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA) - Costa Rica
  • Fundación Hondureña de Investigación Agrícola (FHIA) - Honduras
  • Instituto Nicaragüense de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA) - Nicaragua
  • COCABO - Panamá
  • Fundación Juana de Vega (FJDV) - España

Graphics and data

Financing by country (in USD)
FONTAGRO Amount Other agencies Counterpart Amount

Geolocated Map

Dissemination products

With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)