Were found 56 initiatives and / or projects
following the criteria of your search

Call for Proposals 2023 · 2550

Strengthening the Competitiveness of Mango Producers in Colombia and Peru through the Comprehensive Utilization of the Fruit and Development of New Products

This project contemplates the concept of biorefinery, taking full advantage of the mango fruit, giving commercial use to fruits with defects that remain in the field, peel, and seed generated during pulping. From a scientific-technical point of view, multiple potentialities have been identified from the waste generated. The peels represent 7% to 24% of the total weight of the fruit, while the bone...

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Call for Proposals 2023 · 1903

Multifunctional Bio-protectors for Postharvest Fruits

 The promotion of healthier lifestyles increases the consumption of fresh products such as tropical and Mediterranean fruits. Its consumption can expose the consumer to a higher risk of diseases since the fruits do not go through processing stages to ensure the effective elimination or inactivation of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, postharvest treatments are essential for the conservation ...

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Joint proyects 2022 · RG-T4385ATN/RF-20639-RG


This project focuses on promoting sustainability and food security in Mapuche indigenous communities in rural areas of Argentina and Chile. It seeks to improve livestock production through climate-smart practices, drawing on previous experience to propose solutions tailored to these communities. In Argentina, it focuses on Río Negro and Neuquén provinces, addressing challenges such as water sca...

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Seed fund 2022 · ATN/RF-19885-RG

Seed Fund

Since 2015, FONTAGRO has been promoting the mobilization of resources for the development of new scientific knowledge, the advancement of technologies, and innovations to support the transformation of agri-food systems in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Spain. The FONTAGRO Board of Directors considered it necessary to create a technical cooperation for the allocation of funding aimed at facilita...

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Knowledge Management 2022 · ATN/RF-19946-RG

Implementation of the Knowledge and Communication Management Plan 2020-2025 of FONTAGRO

FONTAGRO's Knowledge and Communication Management (GCyC) is a key element in its 2020-2025 Medium-Term Plan (PMP), positioned as a cross-cutting theme aimed at widely disseminating knowledge to all potential users. This technical cooperation was initiated at the request of FONTAGRO's Governing Council to continue the activities outlined in the 2020-2025 Knowledge and Communication Management Actio...

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Call for Proposals 2022 · RG-T4377-ATN/RF-20631-RG

Online Crop Management Support Platform

Agricultural systems globally, and especially in Latin America, must sustainably increase crop production (60%) and consider the possible effects of climate change (CC). This has driven the need for sustainable intensification of agriculture. Farmers must produce more with the same amount of land and using fewer inputs. This transition is both possible and necessary for food security. However, dig...

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Extraordinary Call 2022 · RG-T4381-ATN/RF-20635-RG

Network of resilient farms with sustainable forest management

The Gran Chaco Americano is the largest dry tropical forest region in the world, spanning across Argentina, Paraguay, and Bolivia primarily. Currently, it is a global hotspot for deforestation and land-use change for agriculture and livestock farming. This process is responsible for the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services, endangering the resilience of agricultural systems to the effects o...

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Call for Proposals 2022 · ATN/RF-20634-RG

Tropical Agriculture 4.0: Efficient Water Management

Agricultural water use is usually called “inefficient”. Farmers irrigate without technical principles, thereby incurring deficiencies impacting crop health and final yield. In addition, this often results in overuse of the water resource. This scenario and the current climate change effects lead producers and entities responsible for managing water resources to focus efforts on improving water...

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Extraordinary Call 2022 · RG-T4382-ATN/RF-20636-RG

One Welfare for resilience of livestock production systems

Increasing livestock production in a sustainable manner is a challenge for regional livestock production in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Together, Argentina, Chile and Colombia produce around 9.1 million tons of meat for global consumption, demonstrating the role of livestock in contributing to the local economy, food security, poverty reduction and sustainability. Livestock production s...

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Initiatives in progress

2023 Call - Call for Proposals

"Science, technology and innovation to make agriculture and food security more sustainable and resilient to climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean"

Status: Closed
2022 Call - Extraordinary Call

“Innovations to improve the sustainability and resilience of farms to the impact of climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean”

Status: Closed
2021 Call - Call for Proposals

Innovation for sustainable and resilient agri-food and territorial development in Latin America and the Caribbean

Status: Closed
Call 2020 - Call for Proposals

Innovations for the sustainable increase of agricultural productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean in the context of climate change

Status: Closed
Call 2019 AgTech - Call for Proposals

From Science to Impact: Innovations for Climate-Smart Agriculture Using Agtechs in Latin America and the Caribbean

Status: Closed
Call 2019 Productivity - Call for Proposals

Increase in Productivity in Family Agriculture with Sustainability, Inclusion and Profitability

Status: Closed
With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)