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Were found 19 initiatives and / or projects
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Geographical indications for Mesoamerican cacao
The Mesoamerican region has been fundamental in the domestication and diversification of Theobroma cacao, constituting representing a prominent origin of fine flavor cocoa produced from Criollo and/or Trinitario varieties. YetHowever, fine flavor cocoa remains insignificant in the global cocoa world market, whereas despite its production is being crucial in the economy and culture of multiple indi...
Learn moreBioprocess for reducing the solubility of rhizospheric cadmium (Cd)
Successful marketing of Latin American Fine Aroma National cocoa is hampered by high cadmium (Cd) content in the beans. This project will formulate an innovative, highly efficient and climatically intelligent bioprocess to reduce the solubility of Cd in the rhizosphere of cocoa plants with a protocol suitable for transfer to cocoa farms. Activities will be implemented via technical cooperation wi...
Learn moreGreater agricultural production with lower nitrous oxide emission
Agriculture produces 60% of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, one of the three main greenhouse gases responsible for global warming. Paradoxically, agriculture is extremely sensitive to climate change, a fact that generates the need to promote climate-smart technological innovation policies. In this multilateral technical cooperation project (Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Spain and Uruguay), th...
Learn moreWater management in agriculture platform 2030 - 2050
Producing more food for a growing population, the increase in competition for water resources among economic sectors, and the effects of climate change on agriculture, represent a future with greater restrictions on the availability of water in Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries. Faced with this complex outlook, progress in knowledge for irrigation management and technological developme...
Learn moreRegional platform for the prevention and early detection of quarantine diseases in fruit trees
Pests and diseases cause significant losses in the world food supply, while hundreds of millions of family farmers depend on agriculture to survive. The cultivation of fruit trees is economically very important for the development of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) countries, not only for their nutritional quality, but also because it generates jobs. There are numerous quarantine diseases th...
Learn moreIrrigation Advisory System (SAR): when to water and how much to water? Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as tools to strengthen the decision-making capacity of family farming.
The agricultural sector faces the challenge of increasing food production to meet the demand caused by global population growth. In this scenario, irrigation and family agriculture (FA) play a central role. FA is the most widespread form of production in the world, representing more than 90% of all agricultural holdings (500 million) and contributing more than 80% of food production. Most of the F...
Learn moreNew technologies to increase water use efficiency in agriculture in LAC by 2030
One of the main challenges of the 21st century is feeding a growing population with fewer natural resources. Projections show that to feed a world population of 9 billion people in 2050 it would be necessary to increase food production by 70%. The main resource for food production is water. Agriculture, mainly irrigated agriculture, is the sector with the greatest extraction and use of water on th...
Learn moreFruit Productivity and Competitiveness Andean
The project “Andean fruit productivity and competitiveness” (2017-2021) was a technical cooperation that sought to increase the productivity and competitiveness of the avocado, passion flower and citrus fruit chains in Colombia (Caldas, Risaralda and Cauca Antioqueño), Ecuador ( Imbabura, Pichincha and Manabí) and Peru (Piura). Researchers from these three Andean countries and from Spain par...
Learn moreStrengthening Regional Networks on Climate Technologies for the Agricultural Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean
Climate change will affect large areas of Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), mainly due to rising temperatures, variations in rainfall intensity and frequency, effecting productivity and the emergence of new pests and diseases. Family farmers are most vulnerable to these effects. Furthermore, it is estimated that food demand will increase over the next 30 years due to population growth, income...
Learn moreComparative analyses studies: family farms processes of innovation at food production, distribution and consumption, add value and marketing in Argentina, Bolivia and Spain
The project aims to add value to innovative food production and distribution strategies generated by family farmers. The purpose is to understand and visiblize the productive and commercial innovations of family farmers and consumers in order to enhance them and contribute to the discussion and design of appropriate public policies for their scaling in Argentina, Bolivia and Spain. Different acti...
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