

agricultural engineer genetic improvement


Agronomist with emphasis in Phytotechnics graduated from the University of Panama, Post Graduate in Agronomy with specialization in the Multidisciplinary course of Bean Cultivation of the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Colombia. Master's degree in "Genetic Improvement", Autonomous Agrarian University "Antonio Narro", Mexico. Manager of the Bean Improvement Project at IDIAP. He is currently the National Director of Technological Linkage of the IDIAP. He is manager of the artisanal bean seed production project. Manager of projects financed by PROFRIJOL and the National Secretary of Science and Technology of Panama (SENACYT). He is manager of the project Generation, Validation, Dissemination of Technologies for the cultivation of beans in Panama.

It has released eleven new varieties of kidney beans, where the IDIAP R-2 stand out for their high yield and acceptance by consumers and the IDIAP NUA 24, IDIAP P-09-11 and IDIAP P-13-38 for their high content. of iron considered as biofortified varieties. He participated with the Bean Genetic Improvement project in AGROSALUD and currently in HARVEST&PLUS. It has developed bean projects with PRESICA, PRACA and Red SICTA with IICA. Recognition by the Government of the Republic of Panama, as the researcher of the year in Agricultural Sciences 2018. Author of scientific articles in the journals Agronomia Mesoamericana, an informative body of the Central American Cooperative Program for the Improvement of Crops and Animals (PCCMCA) and Agricultural Science of the IDIAP and articles of free circulation in Ecos del Agro. He has organized and trained extensionists from MIDA, private companies and farmers at the national level in kidney beans. Researcher participating in regional initiatives in management for biofortified beans in Latin America and the Caribbean, with technical cooperation with the IDB / FONTAGRO.

Fellow researchers


Maika Lorena Barría Castro

Agriculture Climate smart agriculture Rural Extension

Danilo Escoto


Julia Cruz


Marisin Martinez Mendez

Zootechnical agronomist engineer

Luis Carlos Vinda Rivera

agricultural administration

Erick Hernández

Environment and Development Engineer

Noemí Quintero

agribusiness agronomy

Lourdes María Córdoba De Gracia

diffusion family agriculture agrotechnology productive system

Jaime Espinosa

Economy environmental socioeconomics agricultural and food engineering
Dominican Republic

Juan Cedano Mateo

Dominican Republic

Kervin Aride Ramírez Feliz

Dominican Republic

María C. Fragoso Valenzuela

Dominican Republic

Víctor Manuel Landa Pérez

Dominican Republic

Ana Elizabeth Mateo Arnaut

With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)