Nanotechnology in agricultural soil moisture management
Executive Summary
Soil is the basis of terrestrial ecosystems and agriculture, crucial to nutrient cycling, water storage and infiltration, plant support, and microbial activity. Progressive soil degradation and desertification processes are advancing rapidly in countries of the Andean region, reducing agricultural production and negatively impacting the economy of rural families, leading to hunger and poverty. Additionally, the drought related to climate change is also generating great losses in agriculture and the economy of families. This project seeks to use nanotechnology (nanoclays and hydrogels) to help improve the moisture retention capacity of soils, increasing agricultural productivity in areas undergoing desertification and/or drought. Both materials will be developed in Ecuador by scientists from Yachay Tech University (UYT), evaluated under controlled conditions by INIAP (Ecuador), evaluated and validated in a participatory manner in real field conditions in four crops (potato, quinoa, corn, and wheat) by PROINPA (Bolivia) and by INIAP. Producers and private companies from both countries, interested in acquiring and applying the technology, will participate in the validation process. The project includes training of local actors, dissemination of results through written and audiovisual material, creation and use of digital communication platforms, and generation of scientific articles. The project will be carried out in 3 years, with PROINPA as the executing institution and UYT and INIAP as co-executing institutions.
The technological solution
The project strategy is based on the development and use of nanoclays and hydrogels. Nanoclays have very small particles with a large contact and expansion surface. Hydrogels are manufactured from cellulose fibers obtained from agricultural waste and are inexpensive. Both materials have the ability to retain large volumes of water and have a low environmental impact, ideal for agricultural applications. After being developed in the laboratory, these products will be incorporated into degraded soils to see their effect on water retention, increasing microbial diversity and improving agricultural productivity.
The use of nanoclays and/or hydrogels is expected to increase the moisture retention capacity of soils by more than 10% (each) and to improve the productivity of crops by more than 20% each. This will have direct repercussions, increasing both the income of farming families and crop diversification.
The materials developed will be validated in a participatory manner by farmers from Bolivia and Ecuador. It is estimated that they will be widely accepted by farmers, with the possibility of adapting and producing this technology by the associated private companies that will participate in the project. There will be widespread dissemination of results, including the training of farmers, technicians and other actors in the management and use of nanoclays and hydrogels. Dissemination will also include the creation and use of a digital communication platform made up of the project’s co-executing agencies, associated organizations and other related organizations, as well as through the preparation of printed materials, scientific articles and others. Dissemination is expected to reach more than 2000 producers, researchers, technicians and students at a national and international level.
The direct beneficiaries of the project will be 2000 producers, students and technicians from different communities where the project will be developed in Bolivia and Ecuador. Indirect beneficiaries will include producers, technicians, social organizations, students and private companies from other regions of Bolivia and Ecuador. Potential beneficiaries will be other actors related to the agricultural sector at the national and regional levels.
Sustainable Development Goals
Participating Organizations
- Fundación para la Promoción e Investigación de Productos Andinos (PROINPA) - Bolivia
- Universidad Yachay Tech (UYT) - Ecuador
- Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIAP) - Ecuador