Were found 16 initiatives and / or projects
following the criteria of your search

Joint proyects 2021 · ATN/RF-19787-RG

Satellite monitoring of quantity and quality of available biomass in pastoral livestock systems

Pastoral livestock production contributes 46% of GDP and is key to LAC's food and social security. Currently, pastoral bovine production systems face the challenge of increasing their profitability by reducing their environmental impact, since high costs and a growing concern about their contribution to global warming threaten their development. Knowing the quantity and quality of available biomas...

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Seed fund 2019 · ATN/RF-16338-RGP006

Water management in agriculture platform 2030 - 2050

Producing more food for a growing population, the increase in competition for water resources among economic sectors, and the effects of climate change on agriculture, represent a future with greater restrictions on the availability of water in Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries. Faced with this complex outlook, progress in knowledge for irrigation management and technological developme...

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Seed fund 2019 · ATN/RF-16338-RG

Regional control platform for bovine leukosis

Bovine leukosis is identified as one of the silent ailments that affects the health, productivity, and, therefore, economic performance of herds. Its asymptomatic presentation in 90% of cases has led to an underidentification and subsequent undervaluation of resulting productive losses. The growing demand for diagnosis, the appearance of tumors, consequential sudden deaths, and the absence of offi...

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Seed fund 2018 · ATN/RF-16338-RG3

Carbon Sequestration

Several global initiatives indicate that carbon sequestration (C) in soil organic matter dedicated to agriculture is a viable option for mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increasing climate change resilience. The '4 per mille Soils for Food Security and Climate' initiative launched at COP21 is aimed at increasing the global stock of C in the the top 40 cm of soils at a rate of 4 per 10...

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Seed fund 2015 · FTG/RF-15126-RG

FONTAGRO - PROADAPT Articulation: Building Resilience in the Gran Chaco Americano

The Gran Chaco represents the second largest forest region in Latin America after the Amazon jungle and is shared between Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia and a small part of Brazil. Climate vulnerability studies of the Gran Chaco foresee significant impacts in the next three decades, particularly due to greater risk of droughts and floods and an increase in extreme climatic phenomena. This climatic v...

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Call for Proposals 2015 · FTG/RF-15461-RG

Innovation Platform for Sustainability of Family Livestock Systems in Uruguay and Argentina

Family livestock systems based on meat production in natural pastures constitute the majority of cattle farmers and rural populations of Uruguay and Entre Ríos (Argentina). The high levels of stocking rate and/or the absence of spatial-temporal management cause overgrazing and poor spatial distribution, which, in combination with climatic variation, contribute to low levels of consumption, energy...

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Seed fund 2015 · FTG/RF-15069-RG

Sustainable Intensification in Dairy

Agricultural activity consumes most available fresh water out of all human activities. In particular, dairy production uses large volumes of water, directly and indirectly. Therefore, it is important to estimate water use as an indicator of the long-term sustainability of dairy production. Medium-term projections show that global demand for dairy products will be greater than the growth in supply ...

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Joint proyects 2014 · FTG/RF-14654-RG

Livestock and Climate Change: Applied Research and Knowledge

The objective of this project was to create a network on livestock and climate change to exchange information, standardize methodologies, provide mutual technical support and promote collaboration. The project was executed by FONTAGRO/TAS and contemplated the financing of networking and capacity building activities for Latin America and the Caribbean. This project consisted of 3 components. The ...

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Extraordinary Call 2014 · ATN/CX-14837-RG#92

Basis for Generating an Integrated Adaptation Strategy for Farming Systems in Latin America

During the last 20 years, food demand increments have led to greater agricultural and livestock production in South America. However, climate change effects, mainly on small producers, can negatively affect their future development. In Chile, about 90% of livestock systems depend directly on rainfall intensity and frequency. In Argentina, the Pampean region, where the highest percentage of nationa...

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Joint proyects 2014 · FTG/RF-14653-RG

Improving Animal Production Systems with Emphasis on Dairy Farming in the Andean Region within the Context of Climate Change

This project aimed to improve methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions quantification techniques. Furthermore, it intended to generate strategies to help mitigate these emissions in dual-purpose livestock in the Andean Region. This project was structured in five components. The first one consisted of biophysical and socioeconomic characterization of dairy production sites. In a second one, ...

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Initiatives in progress

2023 Call - Call for Proposals

"Science, technology and innovation to make agriculture and food security more sustainable and resilient to climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean"

Status: Closed
2022 Call - Extraordinary Call

“Innovations to improve the sustainability and resilience of farms to the impact of climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean”

Status: Closed
2021 Call - Call for Proposals

Innovation for sustainable and resilient agri-food and territorial development in Latin America and the Caribbean

Status: Closed
Call 2020 - Call for Proposals

Innovations for the sustainable increase of agricultural productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean in the context of climate change

Status: Closed
Call 2019 AgTech - Call for Proposals

From Science to Impact: Innovations for Climate-Smart Agriculture Using Agtechs in Latin America and the Caribbean

Status: Closed
Call 2019 Productivity - Call for Proposals

Increase in Productivity in Family Agriculture with Sustainability, Inclusion and Profitability

Status: Closed
With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)