Were found 11 initiatives and / or projects
following the criteria of your search

Call for Proposals 2022 · ID1732MonitoreoMetano

Satellite tool to strengthen capacities for monitoring, reporting and verification of methane emissions in Latin American ecosystems.

Given the importance of quantifying methane (CH4) emissions from rice paddies in national inventories and the increasing investment in mitigation technologies, there is significant value in developing verification technologies that can be applied at regional or national scales. It is currently possible to monitor CH4 content using satellite sensors. An example of such a sensor is the Sentinel-5 P...

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Call for Proposals 2019 · ATN/RF-17245-RG(RG-T3387)-4

HUB SmartFruit-ALC: smart solutions for family fruit systems in LAC, in the climate change scenario

Climate change is causing problems for the agricultural sector in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). In 2019 the La Araucanía region in Chile reported a water deficit of 70% during the summer period, while in Costa Rica a water deficit of up to 50% was reported in certain regions of the country. These anomalies affect the fruit quality and yield of small family producers who do not have the t...

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Call for Proposals 2019 · ATN/RF-18077-RG

Innovation for pasture management

Levels of harvested forage in the production systems of Latin America and the Caribbean are very low relative to their potential. In tropical areas, such as Costa Rica, the production of dry matter (DM) of the main forage species ranges between 10 and 25 t DM / ha / year, but on average the animals consume less than 45 % of the available pasture. In temperate zones, such as Uruguay, forage product...

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Call for Proposals 2019 · ATN/RF-17245-RG(RG-T3387)-2

Digitization of small-scale agriculture

Agriculture faces several challenges ,mainly an estimated increase of 70% in food production requirements by 2050 due to population growth, while fresh water and arable land will be reduced. Much of agriculture in Latin America and the Caribbean is based on small farmers with traditional systems that will not allow, in the medium or long term, to satisfy the food demand of a growing population, no...

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Call for Proposals 2019 · ATN/RF-17245-RG(RG-T3387)-1

Irrigation Advisory System (SAR): when to water and how much to water? Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as tools to strengthen the decision-making capacity of family farming.

The agricultural sector faces the challenge of increasing food production to meet the demand caused by global population growth. In this scenario, irrigation and family agriculture (FA) play a central role. FA is the most widespread form of production in the world, representing more than 90% of all agricultural holdings (500 million) and contributing more than 80% of food production. Most of the F...

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Joint proyects 2019 · ATN/RF-17950-RG

New technologies to increase water use efficiency in agriculture in LAC by 2030

One of the main challenges of the 21st century is feeding a growing population with fewer natural resources. Projections show that to feed a world population of 9 billion people in 2050 it would be necessary to increase food production by 70%. The main resource for food production is water. Agriculture, mainly irrigated agriculture, is the sector with the greatest extraction and use of water on th...

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Call for Proposals 2019 · ATN/RF-18078-RG

Agtech for Climate-Smart Dairy

There is currently an increase in global demand for animal protein that is estimated to grow 70% by 2050. This is an opportunity for milk-producing countries in LAC to supply domestic and foreign markets with dairy products. However, an increase in livestock production may have a significant environmental impact due to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In addition, climate change (cycles, rainfall p...

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Seed fund 2018 · ATN/RF-16338-RG3

Carbon Sequestration

Several global initiatives indicate that carbon sequestration (C) in soil organic matter dedicated to agriculture is a viable option for mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increasing climate change resilience. The '4 per mille Soils for Food Security and Climate' initiative launched at COP21 is aimed at increasing the global stock of C in the the top 40 cm of soils at a rate of 4 per 10...

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Call for Proposals 2017 · ATN/RF-16678-RG

Implementation of an early warning system for sustainable preventive management of potato late blight (Phytophthora infestans), as an adaptation measure against the variability of climate change in Latin America

Potato is a major crop in Latin America and is the main food in family farming. It is native to America, as is the causal agent of Late Blight (LB), P. infestans. LB is considered a re-emerging disease in this crop due to pathogen variability and climate instability that favors its presence and dispersion, with a high incidence and severity. Farmers, therefore, use pesticides excessively and inapp...

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Joint proyects 2015 · FTG/FG-15072-RG

Pilot project: Creating basis for a Regional Early Warning System Coffee Rust (EWS)

From a socioeconomic point of view, coffee in Central America represents one of the most important items in the agricultural sector. There are around 958,000 hectares of coffee plantations in the region, with an approximate population of 2 million people, if we consider the members of producer families and other actors in the coffee value chain who participate in processing, exportation, roasting,...

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Initiatives in progress

2023 Call - Call for Proposals

"Science, technology and innovation to make agriculture and food security more sustainable and resilient to climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean"

Status: Closed
2022 Call - Extraordinary Call

“Innovations to improve the sustainability and resilience of farms to the impact of climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean”

Status: Closed
2021 Call - Call for Proposals

Innovation for sustainable and resilient agri-food and territorial development in Latin America and the Caribbean

Status: Closed
Call 2020 - Call for Proposals

Innovations for the sustainable increase of agricultural productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean in the context of climate change

Status: Closed
Call 2019 AgTech - Call for Proposals

From Science to Impact: Innovations for Climate-Smart Agriculture Using Agtechs in Latin America and the Caribbean

Status: Closed
Call 2019 Productivity - Call for Proposals

Increase in Productivity in Family Agriculture with Sustainability, Inclusion and Profitability

Status: Closed
With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)