Were found 98 initiatives and / or projects
following the criteria of your search

Extraordinary Call 2022 · RG-T4381-ATN/RF-20635-RG

Network of resilient farms with sustainable forest management

The Gran Chaco Americano is the largest dry tropical forest region in the world, spanning across Argentina, Paraguay, and Bolivia primarily. Currently, it is a global hotspot for deforestation and land-use change for agriculture and livestock farming. This process is responsible for the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services, endangering the resilience of agricultural systems to the effects o...

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Call for Proposals 2022 · ATN/RF-20643-RG

Platform for the transfer and efficient use of biologicals on Latin American farms

There is an urgent need for the implementation and development of more sustainable agricultural technologies. The use of bioinoculants (biofertilizers, biopesticides and biocontrollers) based on beneficial microbes which can promote plant growth and also plant protection is a promising technology that can be improved in efficacy, adoption and commercial registration for its use. This proposal foc...

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Call for Proposals 2022 · ID1732MonitoreoMetano

Satellite tool to strengthen capacities for monitoring, reporting and verification of methane emissions in Latin American ecosystems.

Given the importance of quantifying methane (CH4) emissions from rice paddies in national inventories and the increasing investment in mitigation technologies, there is significant value in developing verification technologies that can be applied at regional or national scales. It is currently possible to monitor CH4 content using satellite sensors. An example of such a sensor is the Sentinel-5 P...

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Joint proyects 2021 · ATN/RF-19787-RG

Satellite monitoring of quantity and quality of available biomass in pastoral livestock systems

Pastoral livestock production contributes 46% of GDP and is key to LAC's food and social security. Currently, pastoral bovine production systems face the challenge of increasing their profitability by reducing their environmental impact, since high costs and a growing concern about their contribution to global warming threaten their development. Knowing the quantity and quality of available biomas...

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Call for Proposals 2020 · ATN-RF-18951-RG

Bioprocess for reducing the solubility of rhizospheric cadmium (Cd)

Successful marketing of Latin American Fine Aroma National cocoa is hampered by high cadmium (Cd) content in the beans. This project will formulate an innovative, highly efficient and climatically intelligent bioprocess to reduce the solubility of Cd in the rhizosphere of cocoa plants with a protocol suitable for transfer to cocoa farms. Activities will be implemented via technical cooperation wi...

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Call for Proposals 2020 · ATN-RF-18786-RG

Greater agricultural production with lower nitrous oxide emission

Agriculture produces 60% of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, one of the three main greenhouse gases responsible for global warming. Paradoxically, agriculture is extremely sensitive to climate change, a fact that generates the need to promote climate-smart technological innovation policies. In this multilateral technical cooperation project (Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Spain and Uruguay), th...

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Joint proyects 2020 · ATN/RF-18769-RG

Organic carbon sequestration in soils of Latin America and the Caribbean: identification of opportunities and quantification of their economic and environmental impact

"Carbon sequestration" is defined as the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere and its storage in ecological sinks, such as soil organic matter. In this case, carbon sequestration will be quantified as changes in the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool. These changes can occur in response to changes in land management, such as increased use of fertilization, irrigation, or in response to changes in land u...

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Seed fund 2019 · ATN/RF-16338-RG

Regional control platform for bovine leukosis

Bovine leukosis is identified as one of the silent ailments that affects the health, productivity, and, therefore, economic performance of herds. Its asymptomatic presentation in 90% of cases has led to an underidentification and subsequent undervaluation of resulting productive losses. The growing demand for diagnosis, the appearance of tumors, consequential sudden deaths, and the absence of offi...

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Seed fund 2019 · ATN/RF-16338-RG-4

Gene editing for genetic improvement in plant and animal species

VIEW WORKSHOP REPORTDuring the 22nd annual meeting of the FONTARGO (Regional Fund for Agricultural Technology) board of directors, held on the 4th and 5th of October, 2018, in Guayaquil, Ecuador, a need for a regional platform for genome editing in the agricultural sector was expressed. As a result, an initiative on gene editing was proposed to strengthen programs of plant and animal genetic impro...

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Seed fund 2019 · ATN/RF-16338-RG-3

Strengthening of the Biofortified Bean Value Chain in Native People of Latin America and the Caribbean

Approximately 53 million people suffer from malnutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean. Consequences include low birth weight and anemia. Biofortification enhances the nutrient content in crops through conventional breeding practices, addressing deficiencies in iron, zinc, and vitamin A in the human body. Biofortified crops exhibit improved agronomic characteristics and provide higher levels ...

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Initiatives in progress

2023 Call - Call for Proposals

"Science, technology and innovation to make agriculture and food security more sustainable and resilient to climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean"

Status: Closed
2022 Call - Extraordinary Call

“Innovations to improve the sustainability and resilience of farms to the impact of climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean”

Status: Closed
2021 Call - Call for Proposals

Innovation for sustainable and resilient agri-food and territorial development in Latin America and the Caribbean

Status: Closed
Call 2020 - Call for Proposals

Innovations for the sustainable increase of agricultural productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean in the context of climate change

Status: Closed
Call 2019 AgTech - Call for Proposals

From Science to Impact: Innovations for Climate-Smart Agriculture Using Agtechs in Latin America and the Caribbean

Status: Closed
Call 2019 Productivity - Call for Proposals

Increase in Productivity in Family Agriculture with Sustainability, Inclusion and Profitability

Status: Closed
With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)