

Soil science Sustainable agriculture Carbon sequestration Gas emission Others


Agricultural Engineer from the Universidad de La Frontera and PhD from the same university. In 2013 he was awarded the FONDECYT postdoctoral fellowship on carbon stabilization capacity in soils with different production systems. In 2016 and 2017 he worked on two projects on the effect of biochar on soil microbial communities and a second project that investigated the effect of biochar on soil microbial communities application on colonization and mycorrhization in wheat plants in wheat plants. In 2018, he joined INIA with a project that evaluates the
incorporation of stubble and its effect on soil microbial communities. He is currently responsible for the INIA research core project on the use of phosphorus solubilizing bacteria with the purpose of reducing the dose of fertilizers, and a second project investigating the effect of the phosphorus dosage on the Rhizobium-sheep symbiosis.

Fellow researchers


Verónica Ciganda

Climate smart agriculture Gas emission

Virginia Pravia

Pasture and forages Natural Resources Production and Environment Gas emission

Marcelo Beltrán

Soil fertility sustainable management of productive systems carbon sequestration Gas emission

Francisco Salazar Sperberg

Climate smart agriculture Pastures and forages Gas emission  Gas emission

Osvaldo Teuber Winkler

Patures and forages Agroforestry Sustainable agriculture Climate change adaptation Carbon sequestration Gas emission

Miguel Andrés Arango Argoti

Soil science Climate change mitigation Carbon sequestration Gas emission

Otoniel Pérez López

Pastures and forages AGRO-SILVO-PASTORAL SYSTEMS Gas emission
Costa Rica

Sergio Abarca Monge

climate-smart agriculture gas emission Pastures and forages Gas emission
Costa Rica

Francisco Arguedas-Acuña

Mineral nutrition of soils and plant Agricultural extension Soil fertility Gas emission

Andrés Said

Climate change Greenhouse gasses Livestock Gas emission

Romina Romaniuk

Climate smart agriculture Pastures and forages Gas emission Gas emission
Costa Rica

Victoria Arronis Díaz

Gas emission
Costa Rica

Moisés Hernández Chaves

Gas emission
Costa Rica

Kenneth Retana Sánchez

Gas emission
With the support of
Fondo Coreano de Alianza para el Conocimiento en Tecnología e Innovación (KPK)