(Washington, D.C., September 15, 2016) The Technical and Administrative Secretariat of FONTAGRO (the Regional Fund for Agricultural Technology) is pleased to announce the launch of its recently renovated website available at www.fontagro.minimalart.info
FONTAGRO’s Board has recently approved its first knowledge management and communications strategy. As part of this strategy, the renewed website includes institutional information, FONTAGRO project results, recent activities, publications, information for partnerships and donors, and capacity building opportunities, in line with FONTAGRO’s 2015-2020 Medium-Term Plan.
The update will be carried out in various phases so that a fully renovated website will be in place by the end of 2016. In a second stage, project leaders and researchers will be granted access to the website to post project contents and other related information.
Additionally, the website will host knowledge platforms to share innovations generated by FONTAGRO supported projects.
FONTAGRO’s renovated website was developed with the generous support of the Knowledge Partnership Korea Fund for Technology and Innovation (KPK).
Contact: fontagro@iadb.org
FONTAGRO is a unique mechanism of regional cooperation that promotes family farming innovation, competitiveness and food security. It was established in 1998 and it includes fifteen member countries that have contributed a capital of some $100 million. FONTAGRO is sponsored by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA). Its Technical Administrative Secretariat is based at IDB headquarters in Washington, D.C. FONTAGRO has cofinanced 110 projects and initiatives in its member countries for an approximate amount of $88.7 million, including contributions from other sources of funding and executing agencies. Its member countries are Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Spain, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
Contact Information:
Carina Carrasco
Communications Adviser
Telephone: +1202 623 3038. Email: ccarrasco@iadb.org
Website: www.fontagro.minimalart.info
Twitter: @FONTAGRODigital
#web #innovation #funding #LatinAmerica #Caribbean #Spain #agriculture #familyfarming #farmers #projects #food #countryside #crops #FONTAGRO #IICA #IDB #Korea